Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Night - Character Questionnaries

1. Who is/are the main character(s) in the story? What does the main character look like?

- Eliezer is the main character of this story. He is a jews and looks very ill becuase of cruel treatment from German soldiers.

2. Describe the main character's situation. Where does he/she live? Does he/she live alone or with others? What does the main character do for a living, or is he/she dependent on others for support?

- Eliezer is an introspective teenager, Elie first begins to hate when Hungarian police strike out with billy clubs and force Jews from their homes. At Auschwitz's Block 17, he berates himself for being a spoiled child and rejecting his first plate of prison soup. Eliezer lives in the prison with his father and many other Jews prisoners in the jail. Each of them support all of the people and be hope for each other.

3. What are some of the chief characteristics (peronality traits) of the character?

-  Eliezer maintains his devotion to his father. It is important to note that we learn Eliezer’s last name only in passing, and that it is never repeated. The main character interact very well with other characters.

4. What sort of conflict is the character facing? How is this conflict revealed? Is it resolved? If so, how?

-  The major conflict is Eliezer's struggles with Nazi persecution, and with his own faith in God and in humanity. The persecution is the physical conflict, the death of Eliezer's father is intellectual conflict for the main character. The major conflict and other different conflicts are solved by the fall of the Nazi and Liberation of the camp brought by American army.

5. Is any character a develoing character? If so, is his change a large or a small one? Is it a plausible change for him? Is he sufficiently motivated? Is the change given sufficient time?

- The developing character is the main character itself. As the Holocaust robs him of his faith in God and exposes him to the deepest inhumanity of which man is capable.

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