Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Night - Point of View Questionnaries

1. What point of view does the story use? Is the story told from a first-person perspefctive, in which the narrator is one of the characters in the story, and refers to himself or herself as "I"? Or is the story told from a third-person perspective, in which the narrator is not one of the characters in the story or may not participate in t he events of the story?

- Eliezer speaks in the first person and always relates the autobiographical events from his perspective.

2. What are the advatages of the chosen point of view? Does it furnish any clues as to the purpose of the story?

- The advantage of story telling as the first-person perspective, we can get how the main character feels and thinks in the story specifically.

3. Is the narrator reliable or unreliable? Does he/she have a limited knowledge or understading of characters and events in the story? Does the narrator know almost everything about one character or every character, including inner thoughts?

- The narrator of story is reliable, because he narrator is the main character itself, and the main character is the author himself. And the story of the book comes from the real circumstances. So the narrator tells every single feeling how he felt in every situation he experience.

4. Does the author use point of view primarily to reveal or conceal? Does he ever unfairly withhold important information known to the focal character?

- The author use the point of view primarily to reveal, because the purpose of this book is to reveal the act of barbarity and impeach Nazi for their brutalities.

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