Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Night - Imagery Questionnaries

1. What scenes, moments, descriptive passages, phrases, or words stand out in your reading of the story?
- Every scenes that appears in the story is concentraion camps that the main character stays and spend time. Night does not operate like a novel, using foreshadowing to hint at surprises to come. The pall of tragedy hangs over the entire novel, however.
2. Did a particular image make you feel happy, or frightened, or disturbed, or angry? Why?
- The part that Nazi army treat prisoners, Jews, with cruelty make me feel bad, angry, and frightened. I was wondering how people can treat other people like in very cruel and brutal ways.
3. Which of your five senses did this image appeal to? What did you associate with this image, and why? What do you think the authorwants you feel about a certain image?
- Every single scene that author wrote about the cruel-treatment I could sense the brutality of humanbeing, however, Night is not meant to be an all-encompassing discourse on the experience of the Holocaust; instead, it depicts the extraordinarily personal and painful experiences of a single victim.

4. How do you think your reactions to the imagery in the story contribute to the overall meaning of the story?

- As a reconstruction of the author's ego at a crucial moment in world history, Night demonstrates the narrator's willingness to face certain death and to cling to the shreds of sanity that remain.

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